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Linden Tour

Listening to the word “gym”, people will imagine flying balls, bumping feet, and beating heart. Today, it was quite different. The gym of KIS Jeju was filled with flying handouts, trotting feet, and pure curiosity.

On October 7, 2015, Linden Tour was held in KIS Jeju with vibrant welcome from the students. With about fifteen schools present, the students had an opportunity to meet representatives from different schools. The diversity of the schools, including different reputations, locations, and academic strength, allowed the students to efficiently set their schedule for the tour and converse with the representatives from the schools that they were interested in. “It was great that the (representatives of the) schools from different locations were gathered in one place, and that the schools were famous for various fields, such as art, science, humanities, and so on.” (Diana Kim, Junior) Certainly, Linden Tour helped the students to taste the college life, be aware of deadlines and requirements, and most importantly, learn about the existence of many schools of many different fields, for the students inevitably have had limited information about American colleges prior to the tour.

Moreover, Linden Tour 2015 was significant to the school because it was the first college fair that was held in KIS Jeju. Even though the students were surprised and bewildered at first, they soon participated actively in the event. Furthermore, this first step will be a big step for future college fairs at KIS Jeju. The faculty must be used to handling the schedule and agenda of the school to insert time for a college fair, and the students must be used to planning a college fair, including researching beforehand about the colleges that will visit, preparing questions, and so on. Linden Tour, the first college fair at KIS Jeju, was not only a successful college fair, but also a rigid foundation for future college events in KIS Jeju.

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