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Marvel Comic the Third Episode with Superman

Red, yellow and blue. These are colors that represent Superman. He is a hero with the cape on and latter ‘S’ on his chest. At the time that Superman, the character came out it was enormously popular that people wanted to buy it. Also I believe Superman probably is a hero that most of the people knows. However, still, I hope you could know fun or interesting facts about superman.

  1. Superman has had some wild powers

Most people know that Superman has some of the most extraordinary powers in all of comics, but besides his heat vision, super strength, arctic breath, super-speed, x-ray vision, super-hearing, and flight, the Man of Steel has some other insane capabilities as well. The most recent addition to his already huge array of powers is the explosive Super Flare. This occurs when Superman literally self-combusts and lets out the equal power and radiation of a nuclear bomb. Once released, he is completely human for 24 hours because his cells need at least a day to recharge the amount of radiation that allows him to have his powers in the first place.

  1. The man of steel can be hurt.

With a name like Superman and a nickname like The Man of Steel, one would expect Clark Kent to be practically invulnerable. For the most part, he is, however there are a few things that can bring him to his knees. As most will tell you, the green space rock, Kryptonite, will weaken Superman and leave him vulnerable to attack. Many assume that this is his only weakness and the only way to take on the Man of Steel. Even though Kryptonite is a great way to weaken him and take him on, but it isn’t the only weakness he has. In fact, one of Superman’s weaknesses that often results in harm is magic. Despite his impressive physical prowess, Superman is not a mystical being. He is a biological life form with enhanced attributes, but he has no foothold in the realm of magic. This is why he can be harmed by things like Aquaman’s trident or Wonder Woman’s sword.

  1. Superman has died?!!!

There have been a handful of times that the Man of Steel has crossed the edge of the abyss and actually died. As with many superheroes who have died over the years, Superman doesn’t tend to stay that way for long. Obviously the most iconic Superman demise was during the 1992 series “The Death of Superman.” Here we bear witness to our Man of Steel being brutally beaten to a pulp by the vicious Doomsday. After their intense and bloody battle, both drop dead thanks to the amount of damage each had dealt to each other. Even though this death stands out in comic history, Superman has had other deaths before that.

  1. Superman couldn’t always fly

In the beginning, Superman could merely jump great distances, hence the description “able to leap tall buildings in a single bound” used in the radio series and the 1940s cartoons. This power was based on the idea that Krypton was a planet with immense gravity. Earth’s weaker pull left him capable of jumping hundreds of feet, much as astronauts would later jump when on the Moon. However, this power proved markedly difficult to animate, and Max Fleischer Studios, which produced the cartoon, requested that DC Comics change Superman’s abilities to allow him to fly. This evolution also better suited live action iterations, as the character could be shown soaring against a screen. This was far easier to accomplish than the frequent scenery changes necessary for a believable jumping sequence.

  1. Superman was sold for 130 dollars

Superman was invented by Cleveland high school students Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. Much like Batman’s unsung true creator, Siegel and Shuster saw their character slip through their fingers. They sold the rights to Superman to Detective Comics in 1938 for $130 and a contract to continue publishing stories.The pair could have never dreamed of the success their character would experience. They went on to work on other comics but never came close to a hit like Superman. The men waged legal battles with DC for the rest of their lives, and their families continued the suits long after both were dead.

Adjusted for inflation, the $130 would amount to around $2,100 in today’s dollars, a drop in the bucket compared to the untold millions the Superman entity has generated. In 2012, the cashed check was sold at auction to an anonymous party for $160,000.

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