Student of the Week: Linnea Bidder

To kick off the new year with a bang, we have Linnear Bidder for this week’s Student of the Week. Platform Post Jeju has gotten the pleasure of getting to know Grade 11 Linnea Bidder.
Where were you before coming to BHA and how long have you been at Branksome?
“Although I was born in Canada, I only spent the first four years of my life there. My family moved abroad for the first time to Moscow, Russia where I spent the next three years of my life. However, most of my childhood memories are from Zambia where I spent the next half of my life (six years). Then, three years ago, we moved to Korea where I will graduate from BHA next year.”
What brought you to BHA? Do you enjoy life here at Jeju?
“My parent’s work brought my family to BHA three years ago. Jeju has been completely different to anywhere else I have lived. I love the nature, Korean food and the people I have met. I also love the fact that whether it is a sporting team, theatre cast, clan, or student body, you get to be a part of so many different communities within BHA.”
What are you aspirations outside of school?
“Although I don’t take Korean in school anymore, I still keep up with learning the language outside through tutoring sessions. I one day aspire to speak and listen to Korean at an advanced level. In fact, I plan to take the TOPIK exam (Korean TOEFL) before I leave Korea.
I also aspire to maintain a healthy lifestyle through being part of the swimming academy, healthy eating, and keeping a positive outlook on life.
I recently started my CAS project, Learning Without Borders, and hope to develop it further being able to help Syrian refugees who have been marginalized by the war.
Lastly, I hope to travel to more countries because traveling gives you the experience of getting to know the world better while simultaneously getting to know a different part of you.”
What is your goal as a student?
“My main goal is to be a balanced student. Although it is harder as a DP student, I still try to balance my social life, physical fitness and academic learning. In addition, my academic goal for all my classes is to be organized with my notes and assignments.”
Do you have any future goals in general?
“In the future, I want to be a child psychologist because I want to give children the same joy they give me. I also hope to one day work with an organization such as the UN, specifically international relations. Lastly, I want to be successful so I can provide for my parents when they are older and my own family comfortably.”
Are there any tips or anything you would like to say to the readers?
“Explore as much as you can, whether it is traveling to a new country or exploring your neighbourhood.”
What is something people might not know about you?
“People might not know that in 2016 I kept a diary where I wrote one or two words each day about something that made me happy. Looking back at it now, I realize that at the beginning of the year, I wrote about moments that I knew made me happy like my family and friends, yet towards the end of the year I found myself discovering new things to be happy about.”
Platform Post Jeju would like to thank Linnea Bidder for her time and consideration taking this interview!