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Marvel Comic the Second Episode with Captain America

I think when everyone see this photo, they will realize he is the actor who act as a Captain America, one of the Avengers member. At the time when the movie came out, this character had whole lots of popularity form the audience. After the movie came out, lots of people from YouTube followed one of the sense from movie and buy the shield that is from the movie. He is the character that came out 2 years ago and the time when the Avengers made. He was the first avengers member and leaded Avengers as a great leader even though there were some fights and some problems happened. So, when people saw the movie, he was a character that he was kind, strong and responsible at his people. But actually there are lots of fun facts about him, and the character.

  1. Captain America was almost call as “Super America”

The character was originally created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby in 1940 as a response to World War II. The United States had not yet become involved in the actions of War, and Simon and Kirby anted to create a character with a strong political slant who emphasized their feelings on why the county should become involved. Patriotic superheroes were extremely popular at the time. When Simon rew the original sketch of the character, he wrote “Super American” beneath it. Then, he quickly realized it wouldn’t work because there were already too many “Super” characters in publication, so the name “Captain America” was chosen instead. I think it is please to be “Captain America”. If it was a “Super American”, it would been super awkward because it means Americans are super.

  1. Captain America was the shortest hero

Most of the shots were done by an L.A. company called LOLA that specializes in digital “plastic surgery.” The technique involved shrinking Chris Evans in all dimensions. They shot each skinny Steve scene at least four times; once like a normal scene with Evans and his fellow actors in the scene, once with Evans alone in front of a green screen so his element could be reduced digitally, again with everyone in the scene but with Evans absent so that the shrunken Steve could be re-inserted into the scene, and finally with a body double mimicking Evans’s actions in case the second technique were required. When Evans had to interact with other characters in the scene, they had to either lower him or raise the other actors on apple boxes or elevated walkways to make skinny Steve shorter in comparison. For close-ups, Evans’s fellow actors had to look at marks on his chin that represented where his eyes would be after the shrinking process, and Evans had to look at marks on the tops of the actor’s head to represent their eyes. The second technique involved grafting Evans’s head onto the body double. This technique was used mostly when Evans was sitting or lying down, or when a minimum of physical acting was required.

  1. Comic version of Captain America’s shield was different

The comic version of Captain America’s shield is most commonly said to be a mixture of Vibranium and Adamantium. Vibranium gives the shield the ability to absorb vibrations; Adamantium gives the shield (near) invincibility. However, because Adamantium is part of the X-Men/Wolverine mythos, which film rights are owned by a different studio, the Adamantium part had to be left out of this version.

  1. Chris Evans dislike the role, Captain America

Chris Evans declined the role three times before accepting the part – not out of dislike for the role, but because he feared what the effects of the sudden increase of fame would be on his private life. Then Robert Downey Jr. convinced him to take the part and thus gain the freedom to sign on any other role he’d want to after. After that, he had a meeting with the director and the producers who convinced him to take the role.

  1. He faced off against Bat Man

In 1996, DC and Marvel Comics decided to unite in a mega crossover called, DC vs Marvel. In which, two godly brothers find out about the two universes. Each hero was set against one another, and whoever wins saves their universe. Sounds kind of like a Convergence with a bit of Secret Wars. Anyway, Captain America was set up against Batman! And in case if you were wondering who won... It was Batman who came out on top, by knocking Cap out with his battering. Don’t be sad though Cap fans, because both were very evenly matched, but sadly a sudden wave of water caught Steve off. In short, Steve missed, while Batman struck!

Now, did you have some fun reading fun facts about him you never know? I hope you could learn some new knowledge or fun facts about iron Man. I will comeback with episode 3 with 5 fun facts about Super Man.

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