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Lux #4. How to deal with bad teachers for a year at school

As if attending school itself is not bad enough, sometimes we get stuck with some of the worst teachers for the whole year without being able to escape their hold on us. From my personal experience, I learned that while things might not improve magically overnight, I could take some matter into my hands. If you know that the teacher is not going to change, you are the one who have to change. Here are five ways to deal with a bad teacher; hopefully these help you to overcome the horrors of your unenjoyable classes.

  1. Observe

The first thing that you need to do when you learn that you have a teacher who doesn’t effectively teach, is to do your research. Ask your friends and your seniors about this teacher and see if they can give you tips on how to deal with the teacher. However, others can often exaggerate how bad of a teacher you have, so spend a few days in that class and make the judgment yourself. Sometimes you may find that the teacher is not so bad after all.

  1. Change the Class

It will be near impossible to change the teacher. However, if it is early enough in the year and the counselor allows it, you may be able to switch your class. This will make your life easier and decrease the unnecessary stress.

  1. Form Good Relationships with the Teacher

However, if changing classes doesn’t work, then it is time for you to work with the teacher to your favour. The best way to ensure a better time in class is probably by getting on the teacher’s good side. You don’t have to exaggerate your love towards the teacher, but do try to participate in class discussions as much as possible.

  1. Talk to the Teacher

If you are not comfortable with your teacher’s teaching techniques, try to communicate with your teacher to give them some constructive suggestions. For instance, if you feel like you would do better in class if your teacher went over hard homework questions in class, than approach your teacher with that suggestion.

  1. Self-Study

If you still feel like the teacher doesn’t clearly explain the topics, then you have nothing else to do except self-study at home. After all, the best way to learn something is to teach it to yourself. This might be an arduous process, but it is still better than suffering from low grades. If you really think that you cannot manage by yourself, gather some friends who are willing to form study groups with you. By working as a team, you will be able to help each other succeed in class without the help of the teacher.

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