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Teacher of the Week: Mr. Bidder

taken by Hyunwoo Kim

Welcome to another issue of “Teacher of the Week”. This week we proudly got the chance to feature Mr. Bidder, BHA’s mathematics teacher. Enjoy!

  1. Background info. (What did you before you came to BHA? Where are you from? Major in college, etc.)

  1. “I am from Canada and have three daughters, two of whom are with me here at BHA. I have taught in many parts of Canada including Baffin Island, which is located in the Northern Arctic region of Canada. I have also taught at international schools in Moscow, Russia, and in Lusaka, Zambia. At University, I have studied sports science and mathematics.”

  2. What were you like as a high school student?

  1. “As a high school student, I didn’t really feel challenged academically. I mostly got B’s and A’s. I would say that I got in trouble occasionally because I got bored. I did some things boys would do and that got me in trouble.”

taken by Hyunwoo Kim

  1. What brought you to BHA? Do you enjoy life here at Jeju, how long has it been since you lived in Jeju?

  2. “When my family was considering leaving Zambia, we were interested in exploring another part of the world. Jeju happened to have endless amounts of excellent features that we were looking for. This is my second year at BHA. I love having opportunities to spend time outdoors hiking, swimming, and biking. Also, BHA has an excellent IB program with a Canadian centered philosophy, which I enjoy very much working within.”

  3. As a Mathematics teacher, what do you love about your teaching area?

  4. “Mathematics is a favourite subject for many students but not for others. I enjoy challenging students who want to push themselves with their understanding of mathematics. However, I also understand that students who struggle with mathematics might need a different way to look at their problems. Working with these students also gives me a sense of satisfaction.”

  5. What is your goal as a teacher?

  1. “My goal as a teacher is to help students discover more about themselves. I want to push their boundaries for learning and exploring areas of interest to themselves. I strive to ensure that my students keep a sense of balance, which I think can be challenging for many at times. Also, I have come across students who tend to have a low self-esteem; I want to guide as many students to graduate with a sense of accomplishment in mathematics.”

taken by Hyunwoo Kim

  1. Do you have any future goals?

  1. “Both personally and professionally, my future goals include getting to share experiences in the outdoors to a greater extent. I would like to encourage girls to attempt more outdoor pursuits like camping, hiking, cycling, etc. Also, another goal of mine is to try and bring the Duke of Edinburgh’s award to BHA.”

Platform Post Jeju would like to thank Mr. Bidder for taking the time to share his story for Teacher of the Week. Have a wonderful week everyone!

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