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[Lux #1]

Another month has passed, and I have done nothing. Sure, I did my daily assignments methodically, and fully performed my roll as a “remarkable student” at school. But I assume that everyone had that specific moment when they completed things that have been demanded of them, yet failed to feel satisfied with their success.

The question is, is this normal? This feeling of dissatisfaction, permeating through our busy, unorganised minds?

The answer is no. Many medical specialists relate this as a sign of unhappiness, which can lead to serious depression.

We must admit it. Life can be overwhelming and scary, and most of the times, it can feel like too much to deal with. At times, it feels as if keeping ourselves busy is so much better than the reality in front of us. Whether “keeping ourselves busy” means being addicted to work, food, or a pastime activity, we all unconsciously decide that we just have to deal with this uncomfortable feeling because we don’t know what will happen if we do face it.

There is nothing wrong with all of this, until there is.

By choosing to ignore the discomfort, you might be missing out on your chance to be yourself. Let’s face it; you won’t be feeling uncomfortable with all the activity that you do, unless there was something big missing from it. For me, I had to learn the differences between thoughts that were helpful and those that were simply obsessive in my part. This was the big moment for me when I faced the truth behind my emotional distress.

Now I continue on with my life with purpose. I am relatively driven, happy, and composed. And I do sincerely hope that others would become so as well.

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