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The New Student Transition System at BHA

As the Branksome Hall Asia community welcomes its new students, it is of a significant importance that the school ensures the new students to feel settled and assist them in making the transition successfully. Platform Post Jeju today interviewed several new students from different grade levels about their experience at Branksome Hall Asia.

How do you like the school so far?

Student 1: As this is my first time being at an international school, I find it hard sometimes to listen lessons and write reports and essays in English. However, I am gradually feeling settled as I am working on discovering and building new relationships.

Student 2: I have a great passion in learning English and that was the reason why I have chose to come to Branksome Hall Asia. I feel really grateful to be here and I love listening to new subjects that I have not had the chance to learn back in my old school.

Student 3: I am still struggling to find my way to classes and adjusting to residence life. Nevertheless I love all my subject teachers and my schoolmates, and I like being at Branksome so far.

Student 4: This is my first time taking the IB and I am having difficulties with adjusting to the system. I do not know how the assessment grading works and it is also a challenge for me to write and speak in English. But overall I enjoy being at Branksome as my subject teachers are being nice to me.

What was your biggest challenge at Branksome?

Student 1: My biggest challenge was obviously finding my way to lessons. The school assigns us a “buddy” who takes the responsibility to guide us to classes, nevertheless there are situations where I get lost at school as my buddy usually do not support me.

Student 2: I had problems with finding out what Finalsite was. I did not know where to get access of all the class resources and the daily bulletin until I asked my advisor about Finalsite. Also my buddy did not inform me of what Flex was, and as a result there was an occasion where I got to the residence at 3 p.m. and waited for thirty minutes until the Don teacher allowed me to go in.

Student 3: I have nowhere to rely on for support. Although Branksome has a buddy system, the returning students do not support us nor help us and eventually, the new students have to rely on each other for support. I do not find the new student transition system at Branksome well organized.

Student 4: I hate taking Mac 101 classes. Mac 101 is a CASE activity that is mandatory for all new students, but actually I perfectly know everything about MacBook and do not feel the need to attend it. Maybe the school should consider about making Mac 101 a CASE option for those who are completely new to MacBook.

Adjusting to a new school environment is both a great concern and worry for many of the new students. As the new students are having troubles with the new student transition system at Branksome, various academic and social supports should be provided.

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