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Teacher of the Week: Mrs. Johansen

This week, Platform Post Jeju got the chance to interview BHA’s Biology and Environmental Systems and Societies teacher for Teacher of the Week!

Background info. (What did you before you came to BHA? Where are you from? Major in college, etc.)

“In high school, I would say that I was a well-rounded person. I took on many leadership roles. I was the captain of all three of my sport teams (tennis, Nordic skiing, and swimming), student council president, and band leader (I played the trumpet for seven years). I was a trustworthy person, and people believed in me as I pursued these leadership roles.”

“I come from Minnesota but my family is from Norway and Sweden. Some of my past jobs include, working as a naturalist at Wolf ridge, where I lead students up into Northern Minnesota, and led a science-based action camp. I then worked at a public school for six years; it was the first full IB school in Minnesota for grades K-12.”

“I majored in Biology and Education with a minor of coaching. I also met Mr. Johansen in university while we both played tennis in the same team; we also worked at a summer camp together and taught tennis. Later on, as a couple we wanted an adventure. Mr. Johansen had a friend working at a school just outside of Hong Kong and we got positions in that school.”

What brought you to BHA? Do you enjoy life here at Jeju, how long has it been since you lived in Jeju?

“Although I loved the food in Hong Kong, the pollution was just too much for me. As a person who loves to go jogging, the pollution was difficult to cope with. I got interviewed with BHA in Hong Kong and got accepted. Currently, it has been three years since Mr. Johansen and I worked at Branksome.”

“I enjoy life here on Jeju because I can get outside. Being able to go running on trails is pretty cool (I love to do a lot of trail running).”

As a Biology and Environmental Systems and Societies teacher, what do you love about your teaching area?

“As an ESS teacher, so many of the concepts we learn can be drawn to connections with Jeju Island. By being able to draw connections with where we live is pretty impressive. Also, Jeju is a place where you can easily allow students to come in contact with nature. I can allow my students to go right outside my office to sample things in the garden.”

What is your goal as a teacher?

“To have fun! You want students to learn but I believe having fun is also really important. A lot of students are stuck in the mindset of having so much pressure to get perfect grades that students forget to enjoy what they are doing now. I want to share the curiosity I have as a teacher right into my students.”

Do you have any future goals?

“I would like to live in Scandinavia – being an American has always been a strange thing because I am American but also a little bit Norwegian and Swedish. I would like to experience and explore my background by spending time and working there. Also, I would like to become more fluent in Korean. I would love to communicate and have a deeper interaction with the Jeju local people, especially when talking to locals at five-day markets.”

Platform Post Jeju would like to thank Mrs. Johansen for taking the time to do this interview. It has been a great pleasure!

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