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New Year's Resolution

The New Year has arrived, and school has started. We are bombarded by assignments and tests, and Christmas just seems like a story from long ago. Parents, elders, schools and teachers are telling us to make a constructive plan for the year, and work hard to make our dreams come true. How is it that we don’t ask them about their dreams, yet they demand to know what ours are? Determined to turn the table this time, I asked four teachers from Branksome Hall Asia about their dreams for 2016.

Mr. Johansen:

Many of the girls at BHA know Mr. Johansen as the “talkative” teacher. As the MYP and DP English teacher, he is very keen on sharing his love about tennis and food, his “Jeju buddies,” and a specific public figure whom Mr. Johansen can continue talking about during a whole class period. When I tentatively asked him for his dreams for 2016, he was very keen on sharing his sole dream of growing a thicker and fuller mustache than that of Mr. Poirier’s, who is the delightful physics teacher at BHA.

(Photo. Sunmin Tina Park)

Ms. Siew:

No one at BHA could n

ot know Ms. Siew. She continues to amaze us with her conduction of the orchestras, and her passion in music is something that is very infectious. Apparently, Siew has many R-related resolutions that cannot and should be shared with us. However, one resolution that can be shared with us is;

“I know that my numerous babies at BHA wish for changes to make their lives more exciting in school, and my wish is to grant their dream for excitement by providing them with changes in the Siew environment – mind you, I haven’t said whether those changes would be good or bad… muah ha ha ha ha. All I’m saying is, Siew will endeavor to make their lives as exciting as possible in the year 2016:)”

Ms. Siew, please remember that Siew’s zoo is always going to be with you no matter what.

Mr. Hodgekinson:

A new teacher to our school in Fall of 2015, Mr. Hodgekinson has inspired many students to take biology for the sciences. I personally never got to know him as much as other girls, because biology was not the choice for me. However, during the interview, I have found out that he is an enthusiastic teacher who is a loving father to his son, Luke. His goal for this year was the most realistic, in that he wanted to finish the second Masters degree in Education and Technology. I could only imagine how hard this would be, so good luck Mr. Hodgekinson!

(Photo. Sunmin Tina Park)

Mrs. Mor:

A fantastic drama teacher capable of so many things! Mrs. Mor shared with me a dozen different dreams. Besides world peace, she wanted a message from the universe about this year’s production, which she already has achieved. Besides from the message, Mrs. Mor wanted best academic success for her students, good health for her dogs and her family, passion lit for Mrs. Mor’s daughter who is also striving to achieve her dreams, and the moment when she will be receiving her black belt from her master in two months time. As wonderful teacher as she is, I am sure that that she will be able to achieve them without breaking a sweat.

(Photo. Sunmin Tina Park)

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